
An Easy Spring Appetizer You Can Whip Up in a Flash

Crudité Board with Green Goddess Dip

For spring and summer dinners, we love to create meals out of yummy, snack-filled platters. We try to make it casual and relaxed, where everyone can help themselves. Read below to see how to create a delicious and beautiful appetizer: a crudité platter with the easiest green goddess dressing (ok, I cheated a little).

Sometimes during the spring and summer months, Derrick and I will just whip up something like this crudité board to graze on. Accompany it with a crusty baguette and a cheese board and voilà, you have yourselves a dinner!

Photography: Zee Wendell

I’ve followed Annie Campbell, an LA-based party planner and event designer (she’s actually from Oregon!) for a while now. I love to see all the beautiful parties she organizes! They’re always gorgeous, colorful, and of course — the food looks delicious. So, when I saw this post on Pinterest, I read her tips and tricks on how to create a pretty board like this, and loved how it was different from your typical vegetable platter!

The Secret to a Beautiful Appetizer

The secret is to gather healthy, organic vegetables such as golden cauliflower. I’ve never tried this before, but its soooo good! It  tastes similar to your tried-and-true white cauliflower, just prettier 😉. Choose your favorite greens, and add other pretty veggies like radishes, pea pods and mini carrots. Then just slice and arrange in “layers” starting with one veggie, then layering slices of another veggie on top, and so forth.

As Annie says, “The platter matters”… it’s all about the presentation!” She often uses wood boards to display her goodies, and I just love this idea. A cool, vintage wood board is so versatile — we use ours ALLLLL the time for various things like cheese, small desserts or cookies, or sliced bread and butter. I definitely recommend one.

CLOUZ HOUZ TIP: Buy vegetables with the stems still attached. I found mini carrots with the stems, and then I just cut off the green part almost all the way, but left some on for a really organic and pretty touch.

Green Goddess Dressing

A green goddess dip/dressing is one of my faves for this appetizer meal. I cheated a bit and bought a green goddess dressing from Whole Foods. I added it to sour cream with chopped fresh dill, and it was deeeelish. Not everything has to be homemade to taste good! So, wherever and whenever I can cut corners, I will. It makes our lives easier.

Photography: Zee Wendell

Give this a try and graze till your heart’s content. Pour yourself a glass of Rosé, or mix up the Chill Pill. Then, sit outside to enjoy your evening knowing dinner is ready!

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Color drenching? Here’s what it is and how to nail it:

Color drenching means painting everything—walls, trim, ceiling, even woodwork—in the same color. It creates a cozy, cocoon-like  vibe that’s perfect for intimate spaces.

How to Do It:
- Paint everything: Walls, trim, ceiling, and doors all get the same hue.
- Mix up the sheens: Use different finishes like matte for walls and semi-gloss for trim to add depth.
- Add a complimentary color: This ensures that the space doesn’t feel too monotonous and adds visual interest and balance.
- Consider your natural lighting: Choose your color based on the room’s natural light to decide whether to go light or dark. Both can be equally beautiful.
Best Rooms for This:
- Den/Office
- Small Bedroom
- Cozy TV Room
- Dark or Small Spaces

Are you willing to give this look a try? Save this video for later!
Designing a space tailored to your needs is all about thoughtful choices and personal touches that make it uniquely yours.

This room is a reflection of our personal style. And something that I truly stand behind… a beautiful space doesn’t have to be all custom or high-end pieces. In fact, it’s all about the balance. I invested in this well-made sofa by @mosshomeusa and saved on the well-crafted vintage chairs and travertine coffee table I scoured the internet for. This mix is what makes the space feel more soulful in my opinion. 

When designing your own space, think about what truly matters to you. What elements foster a sense of warmth and connection? For us, it’s about creating a sanctuary where every detail—from the collected treasures adorning the shelves to the texture of the upholstery—speaks to our love for comfort and elegance.